7 SEO Tips You Can Implement Today

seo tips

SEO is more than just creating links to your website, crossing your fingers and hoping that Google will rank you highly in the search engines. There are specific elements that you need to have on your website too. These are commonly known as ‘on-page SEO‘.

Here are 7 SEO tips that you can implement in your own business today. 

Tip 1: Heading Tags

Heading Tags should be used correctly throughout your website. The page or post title should use the H1 tag and be the only item that uses that on your page. This helps the search engines to know this is the most important heading.

Tip 2: Title Tag

The title tag controls the page title in the browser and also the title that’s shown in the search results. It’s an important element as you have the ability to encourage a click-through from someone looking through the search results. Your primary keyword should be used at the start of the title tag and afterwards you have up to 60 characters to use.

Tip 3: Meta Description

The meta description is another important element that shows up in the search results. This area allows for up to 160 characters and should be used to provide a descriptive introduction to your page and encourage someone to click-through. Make sure you use your primary keyword here.

Tip 4: Image Alt Text

Every image on your website should have an alt text. Search engines can’t see the images on your website so the alt text helps them to understand what the image is. It’s also helpful for accessibility purposes. For example, blind users who use a screen reader.

Tip 5: Internal Linking

Make sure you use internal linking to direct users to more useful content on your website. Internal links help users to read and engage with more content that they might be interested in. They also help search engines find more pages on your website, which can help them be indexed in the search results.

Tip 6: Mobile Responsiveness

Google and other search engines give more weight to websites that display well on mobile devices. Your website should be designed from a mobile perspective first, taking into account the fact that 40% or more of your visitors may be on mobile devices.

Tip 7: Improve Speed

The speed of your website is critical to SEO success. Your website should load in under 2 seconds. Minimize the amount of plugins used and optimize your photos to reduce speeds. You can test your website’s speed using a tool such as GTMetrix. If your website takes longer than 2 seconds to load, this should be deemed a priority and fixed immediately.

Implement these SEO strategies to capture people’s attention and turn them into customers.

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7 SEO Tips You Can Implement Today

SEO is more than just creating links to your website, crossing your fingers and hoping that Google will rank you highly in the search engines.

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